Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pangaea Survives Hurricane Odile!!

As most of you know, we are back in Denver.  Mike is finishing up the last of his contracts with Lockhead Martin and I am teaching and doing voice pathology work through Vocal Essentials, my business.  

It is always hard to be away from Pangaea, but especially hard when you see a hurricane path projectory of exactly where we left her....La Paz, MX.

Well, the hurricane hit and winds were clocked at 100 mph in the marina.  Yikes!  I remember last fall riding out a strong "norther" at the marina, and we were running around making sure all the boats were ok.  There was minor damage to a few boats during that storm, and we had to keep re-tying dock lines.  That was 18 mph.  I can't even fathom 100.  

We will be forever grateful for our boat managers....Susan and Dennis Ross.  They checked on Pangaea diligently, and because of that, she suffered only minor injuries.  We lost our VHF antennae on the back of the boat.  It fell off into the windvane, so we need to replace our blades.  We also had some cleat and cap-rail damage from rolling in the slip.  Our interior has yet to be assessed, but we are keeping our fingers crossed!

We are really sad about the damage to the city of La Paz.  We wish we could be there to help with the cleanup. We are also sad to hear that 20 boats anchored in the Magote near downtown La Paz were beached and 3 people (at least) are missing from the sailing community.

We are sending love and light to everyone who is impacted by Odile. 

Huge Hurricane Hugs,

First Mate Kate